Current Version : v1.01
Creators : Zera, Yuri
Platform : Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Other Requirements : .Net Framework 3.0+
Description : This application checks the server status for the servers on Jade Dynasty. The current version is your basic version with basic features and other limited functionality. The refresh speed is set by default on very fast and the user cannot change this just yet.
Changed pictures used to display server status
Server Status Speed is now available
Auto check is available (beta stages, use at your own risk)
Other minor code changes and adjustments
Font used in application is changed (Segoe UI)
Removed command and other from the menu
Added Help and About menu
Font used is now included in the package if the user doesn't have the fonts
Changed pictures used to display server status
Server Status Speed is now available
Auto check is available (beta stages, use at your own risk)
Other minor code changes and adjustments
Font used in application is changed (Segoe UI)
Removed command and other from the menu
Added Help and About menu
Font used is now included in the package if the user doesn't have the fonts
Application created